Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, Jennifer “Dianne” Rose Marye Kerecman Savelli passed away on August 13th, 2024, after a courageous battle with cancer. Born in 1952 to George Lawrence Kerecman and Marjorie Peterson Kerecman in Meadville, Pennsylvania, Dianne, as she was known to most, was able to brighten any room she entered and brought a soothing presence to all who knew her.
In 1979, Dianne, alongside her husband Guy Savelli, founded Savelli’s, a dance and martial arts studio located in Lake County. Under their direction, Savelli’s has been a second home to many for the past 45 years. Through her love of dance and passion for teaching, Dianne inspired many. Every student held a special place in her heart, and she was always thrilled to see Savelli’s alumni bring their children to the studio for lessons.
Dianne was preceded in death by her father George, mother Marj, brother Dave (Kathy), stepson Bradley (Beth), and husband Guy. She is survived by her brothers Richard (Nancy) and Dan (Dyanne), her new husband Larry, her children Jennifer (William), Juliette (Jason), Sarah (Kandee), Gaetano (Lisa), and Grant (Amanda), her grandchildren Dustin (Gabby), Josephine (Nick), Sophia, Mia, Gaetano, Eva, Lila, and Gabriel, as well as great-grandchildren Delaney, Avery, Luna, and numerous nieces and nephews.
The Savelli family will receive family and friends from 1:00 – 5:00 PM Saturday, August 24th, 2024 at Jeff Monreal Funeral Home, 1000 Mentor Ave., Painesville. A memorial service to celebrate Dianne’s life will follow at 5:00 PM Saturday at the funeral home.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Dianne Savelli’s name to Project Hope for the Homeless, Lake County’s only homeless shelter, which benefited from proceeds from every Christmas concert produced by Dianne’s studio—a tradition her family will continue in her honor (please no flowers). Go to
Loyal, brave, wise, and true, Dianne leaves behind a legacy of love and has touched countless lives with her warmth, kindness, and compassion. Her absence will be deeply felt by all who knew her.