What do you do if you can’t afford a service at a funeral home? Learn helpful tips for planning a funeral service to help relieve the financial burden.
The cost of funerals varies, but they don’t have to be extravagant and expensive. What do you do if you can’t afford a funeral at a Northeastern Ohio funeral home? Who’s responsible for paying for the funeral, anyway?
Common questions surrounding paying for funeral and cremation services:
• What if there is a refusal to pay for the funeral?
The funeral home does not have to take custody of the body. The funeral home does not have to accept the body if a family does not pay. Suppose the funeral home already has custody of the body, and the family refuses to pay. In that case, the funeral home will stop all planning, goods and services.
The body will be refrigerated per Ohio regulations. The family is charged a storage fee for the length of time the body is stored there. The body can be transferred to the State of Ohio at any time.
• Are there government bodies that help with funeral costs?
Several government organizations help with funeral costs and the body’s final disposition. These agencies include:
- Social Security
- State Department of Health
- Veteran’s Affairs
- FEMA (if death occurred due to a natural disaster)
• What about getting a funeral loan?
Many credit unions, online lenders, and banks offer loans to cover funeral expenses. Anyone can apply for a funeral loan.
• Do you have to have a funeral?
You’re not required to have a funeral. So, you don’t have to worry if you can’t afford one. To save money, you can select a direct burial or cremation option (the most affordable final disposition services).
But if you want a funeral or service, there are ways to do so without spending too much money. The National Funeral Directors recommend personal loans covering the cost, along with establishing monthly payments.
• If the deceased has no money, who pays?
The next of kin traditionally pays for funeral expenses if the deceased has no money. If the next-of-kin aren’t able or don’t want to pay, there won’t be a funeral.
• Are there free burials or cremations?
The county coroner’s office provides a form for the next of kin to sign, and the state will cremate or bury the body. While this is a free service, you will not have any say in where or how.
• Is it free to donate the body to science?
Donating a body to science does result in a no-cost cremation. You can donate your body to science to medical schools, medical laboratories, and local hospitals.
The Bottom Line
There are numerous ways to deal with getting help to pay for a funeral such as buying a life insurance policy and opening a bank account. There is the option of paying with a credit card, and sometimes families can split the cost. The process is much less stressful when you plan.
If you are feeling like you can’t afford a funeral home service, don’t fret. Paying for a service at any funeral home can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Take time for the pre-planning funeral options, including how your family members or loved ones will pay for your services. We are here to help if you want to learn more about preplanning or dealing with a recent loss. Call us at Jeff Monreal Funeral Home or visit us today.
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